Does Your Brain Complain?

Does Your Brain Complain?

I realized one day that my friend and I were complaining…a lot. About EVERYTHING. And jeez, was it a drag. I felt totally energetically drained. That day, I decided that I’m going to TRY to stop complaining. So, I did. But you know what happened then? I started to complain in my mind. OMG, I …

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What’s Your Jam?

What's Your Jam?

hop over to here order levitra Yup, you heard me right. What’s your jam? What are you absolutely amazing at? What is your Zone of Genius? So many people get stuck focusing on all of the negative aspects of their lives, “I’m not good enough”, “So and so is better than me at_____, so I’m …

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Balancing Life

Balancing Life

As I sat in meditation this morning, Jack came to me. I asked him: What should I write about today? And the word came to me. Balance. Balance? Yes, balance. Wow. That’s a doozy. How can I sum this up in a blog post? So many people, especially in American culture today, have nailed the …

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What’s Your Tragedy?

What's Your Tragedy?

I know this sounds dramatic. But I’ve been thinking about this for the last sixteen months since my son, Jack, died tragically and suddenly at 8 1/2 years old. He was, and still is, the light of my life. Since then, I’ve been pondering how people “do it”. You know, get through their shit. How …

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